I've decided it will take too long to write all my thoughtful little notes about my summer experiences now that it's already October, so I opted to go the lazy route and just post my old summer photos. Well, there is some commentary. Enjoy...
Summer updates - Danish Students
Danish high school students really like to celebrate graduation. The celebration seems never ending in June because everywhere you look you see kids wearing these captain hats and partying. They also ride around in trucks (see below), honking the horn and stopping at every student's house for a cocktail. This is a very different tradition from what I was used to in the States. There may have been celebration drinking, but it certainly wasn't facilitated and encouraged by not only our parents, but the entire country.
Summer updates - World Cup Mania
World Cup mania was so fun to be a part of in Europe. I know Americans watch World Cup too (in fact, the only time most Americans acknowledge soccer as a sport), but I promise you the experience is more intense over here. The passion is mostly to credit, but the time difference certainly helps too. I remember watching games at super strange hours last world cup. This time around, the schedule was much more agreeable and the fans are WAY more intense. I only took photos of the Denmark/Japan game, which was super boring and possibly why I was distracted enough to take photos.
Summer updates – Castle touring
We love castles. As a practice run for the big motorbike trip, Pedro and I did some castle touring. We went to the queen's summer place and to the castle where they filmed Hamlet. Great for photoshoots.
Summer updates – Mid-Summer, Summer parties and Jane visits
The Mid-Summer celebration in Denmark was something very new for me. Not only is it summer solstice and the longest day of the year, but it's also the day Danish people say goodbye to the witches in the area with a very big bon fire. Actually, there are many very big bon fires around Scandinavia to celebrate the torching of their witches. This witch burning party is not like anything I've ever been to before. Apparently, there is witch burning in other places like Spain as well. I guess I'm learning new things everyday. It's an interesting tradition still very alive and well here.
Copenhagen has a lot of fun activities all summer long to keep one occupied. I've really enjoyed the Danish summer so far. The light is amazing. I love that it's sunny when I go out at night and it's light again before I go home for the night. I suppose you can't have it all because the tradeoff for darkness in the winter is not great. The impending darkness is enough to motive one to get out and enjoy that sun. I've fully enjoyed a few annual parties this summer so far (including Amagerstrand's Beach Party, RAW and Stella Polaris). Evidence is below.
One of my girlfriends from Los Angeles (who is now living in Australia) just came for a visit for almost a FULL week! I was ecstatic! It wasn't until after she left I realized I was so into her and her boyfriend's actual presence, that I forgot to take photos of us. Big disappointment. Pedro is usually really good about making me take out my camera with perpetual nudging for me to take more photos. Without him, apparently, I am lost. Here is the only evidence I have that Jane was actually in Copenhagen.
As you can see, not great on my part. I really need to be better. We're standing outside of the Louisiana museum. Mike wasn't so into the art exhibits and it was raining, so I thought better not to torture him with a photo shoot too. Next time, I promise to induce torture because photos make me happy.
There is one big music event I missed this summer. The summer festival most young Danes look forward to is Roskilde. I would compare it to California's Coachella (but honestly I don't think it can compare). My husband discouraged me from getting tickets because it's camping only, super dirty, the line up wasn't fantastic and it's very expensive (for a concert). However, just before the event, Pedro got offered a free VIP ticket, but because all other tickets were sold out, I couldn't go too. To avoid a massive pouting session, I quickly looked for other fun alternatives outside of Copenhagen. Travel was an important criteria since most people I knew in the city were all packing up to leave town for the festival. As luck would have it, my friend, Mette, was feeling spontaneous as well. We found a great last minute deal to Turkey, got the keys to her parent's holiday house in Kusadasi and jumped on a plane 2 days later. I can genuinely say I think our week at the beach in Kusadasi wins over Roskilde. Photos and commentary in my next entry.
Loved it!